Sunday 9 March 2008

Creating the face.

Ok so as I mentioned before.. a character really isn't much without a face. At least not this character. So here is the work up to the created Anthropod Face.

OK so to start off I created a completely seperate model using the create polygon tool on the front plane view. The purpose and idea behind doing this is so I could create the rough outline of the mouth of the face, to see how many polygons it will have and ultimately how to match these up with the main model (merging vertices). The Image above shows what I started of with. I also created a quick cylinder 'tube' and aligned it roughly in place for where the, presumably Anthropod's nostrils, will be. (Weird dripping open tubes under the characters mouth).

The reason for this again, to see how many polygons it has and how it will match up.

In this next image i extruded the edges quickly to give an idea for the thickness and direction the mouth will be going in also. This made it easier to prepare th model for when it will be added to the main model, as it will, of course, need to be going in the same direction as that of the overall head.

This picture is where I have started to bring life to the mouth by bringing more definition and shape to it, and also the nostril.. type.. thing.

With this I literally just moved around all the vertices of the mouth until they were in the right position and the model looked good. With the nostril I extruded several faces and manipulated them outwards for the general shape then extruded them inwards for the hole.

Oh, I also threw in a few teeth too! (Again by extruding, extruding and then extruding)

Here is the mouth on the body!

This took a whiiiiile to get right but in the end I got it in. Because the mouth ended up with over double the amount of polygon edges than the vacant edges on the head it meant I had to break these down with some triangles in between. This ultimately led to a high polygon count. The overall polycount is still quite low for modern computer games characters being well under 2000 polygons.

Oh and obviously as you can see I also created some basic eyes. For these I extruded an bent some faces inwards to create the eye sockets and create a basic sphere for the eye.

And here is the finished thing :)

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