Monday, 10 March 2008

Textured weapons

So, as I said before I have been texturing the new boomeroid and have also textured the disrupter gun.

Here are the final textures.

I like these but I might redo the boomeroid at a later date as I'm not completely happy with it. It's turned out nice, but like the skeletoid, it could probably do with some texture (other than a bump map) to bring it to life a bit more.

Here are a few experiments I made before I had my finished texture for the disrupter gun.

A lot of the first ones just looked like paint on a wall, but again I was concentrating more on bump textures. I later textured the basic texture map and with both of them started to look a lot better. This proves how important it is to have a good texture and bump map in conjuction with each other, because without it it can look awful.

And here are the final textures for both low poly and high poly models.

Low Poly - 494 poly

High Poly - 1962 poly

The high poly model is 1962 polygons. This is too much for in game but menus and prerenders it is perfect.

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