Monday, 10 March 2008

Crouching Skeletoid, Hidden Texture

These are some shots of a better crouching pose of the skeletoid. As you can see it is holding the newly textured gun and mine.

This first shot I tried to do from a distance to demonstrate the maximum distance you would be looking at seeing when zooming in on a character in game. The original game itself didn't have any zoom because everything was 2 dimensional (yet isometric) but I would presume in today's standards of video games it would probably have the function tozoom in, and this distance is what I imagine would be the maximum zoom distance. (Because it is a strategy game and zooming in any further would be pointless and would ruin gameplay).

You're probably wondering why I wasted time on high textures if you won't see the detail in game, but again the character WILL be shown larger than this in the game but not during gameplay, only in menus and video clips will the larger poly and texture files be used (but they would be used).

This is to hopefully give you a more idea of what the characters would loo like in the game.

These other two shots are just shots to show the position in a closer perspective for closer inspection.

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