This is just a little forcefield experiment. Just to see what a fake forcefield would look liek on the Anthropod.. again the forcefield being another element of the game.
This next picture is a shot of the skeletoid with 3D inventory space around him. The parts around the character are taken directly from the game and placed around it to demonstrate what my version of the character would be like in a more modern version of the game. obviously a more modern version would have its own graphical version but it is just here to demonstrate.
The idea here is that the character would probably breathe or animate somehow on this screen and when you equip it with weapons the weapons will appear on the body in real time. You could also zoom around in 3D and place the items behind and infront of other items in the inventory spaces too. So instead of an item needing 2 dimensions to fit into, they will now need 3.

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